Strait Talk with Gary Santo: Timothy Bottoms

Strait Talk with Gary Santo: Timothy Bottoms

His guest will be Dr. Timothy Bottoms A local Historian. Yarning about his book “Conspiracy of Silence” Queensland’s Frontier killing times.

“The Native Police was a state instrument. It was not simply something operating with official knowledge. Jonathon Richards’ extensive archival research has led him to conclude that:

Successive governors, colonial secretaries, and ministers of the crown knew what was going on in the force…The evidence clearly shows that the Native Police in Queensland operated under the direct control of the colony’s most senior administrators-the Executive Council.”

Timothy Bottoms.
Conspiracy of Silence, P.190.
Queensland’s frontier killing times.
Allen & Unwin.

Tune into this deadly new program Wednesday’s from 9am -10am here on Bumma Bippera Media 98.7FM