National Talkblack 220323

National Talkblack 220323

We had:

Luke Hays, Stroke Foundation National Manager StrokeConnect Support, and Reconciliation Action Plan Project Lead, talking about how the Stroke Foundation urges increased stroke awareness to help Close The Gap in health outcomes.

Paul Jakubowski, Manager at Pormpuraaw Art & Culture Centre, talking about the Colourful Country exhibition, opening tomorrow 23 March, with the official launch event in the evening at 6pm down at the Court House Gallery.

Senior Sergeant Glen De Lai and PLO Stephen Grant from Edmonton Police, talking about Personal Mobility Devices (Electric scooters).

Corrine MacMillan, Member for Mansfield and Chair of the Community Support and Services Committee, talking about the Path to Treaty Bill for 2023.

Have something happening in your community, and you want to talk about it, give us a call on 1800 422 416. Or Give us a text on 0457 140 550!

We would also like to thank the Community Broadcasting Foundation and National Indigenous Australians Agency for their support here at BBM 98.7FM.

Make sure to tune in Monday-Friday 11am-12pm QLD Time to stay up to date with the latest national events.