National Talkblack 140421

National Talkblack 140421

We had:

Dr Shane Burke, University of Notre Dame senior lecturer in archaeology and history talking about newly found 200-year-old documents detail life in Western Australia’s first European settlement. Dr Burke says that “early written reports of the Noongar Aboriginal language, contained in diaries discovered among the files, could also be of great historical value.”

June Riemer, First Peoples Disability Network Australia Deputy Chief Executive Officer talking about how the crisis of violence and abuse of First Peoples with disability must be urgently addressed by an extension of the Disability Royal Commission.

Jessica Finn, a 22 year old Brisbane woman with autism talking about her call for better representation of autism in media this autism awareness month. Jessica hopes that one day portrayal of characters with autism will align closer to real life, and all the success that people with autism are able to achieve.

Make sure to tune in Monday-Friday 11am-12pm QLD Time to stay up to date with the latest national events.