National Talkblack 131023

National Talkblack 131023

We had:

Dr Cassandra Goldie AO, ACOSS CEO, talking about community Sector leaders urge Australians to back Voice to Parliament on October 14th. The community sector is launching a final campaign push for the Voice to Parliament, with more than 80 leading community groups across housing, health, legal, disability, financial aid and social welfare today releasing a joint statement urging Australians to vote Yes to ensure First Nations voices are heard.

Harley Mann, Artistic Director, talking about the special advanced preview of new show by Circa Cairns. Performing Live at Cairns Performing Arts Centre October 20th and 21st at 7pm.

Uncle Bradley Gosam, Dyirbal man, talking about the Elders and Traditional Owners that have gathered on Country to express their outrage at being misrepresented in regards to the Wooroora Station Wind Farm Project.