National Talkblack 030221

National Talkblack 030221

We had:

Senior Constable Nicole O’Rourke from Edmonton Police with their weekly WhichWay Yarning segment, this week they talk about road safety.

Damian Sing, Aboriginal Ranger in the NT talking about how the carbon industry in the Top End of the Northern Territory (NT) has its first qualified Aboriginal rangers in carbon farming and verification of environmental, social and cultural co-benefits. Aboriginal Rangers from Waanyi Garawa and Garawa (Borroloola), Wardaman (Katherine), Malak Malak (Daly River), and Timber Creek country underwent a five-day nationally accredited training course developed by the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation AbCF in partnership with the Centre for Appropriate Technology Limited (CfAT).

Julie Tongs OAM, Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health and Community Services CEO discussing how there needs to be a call for change following allegations Indigenous woman was strip searched in front of other inmates at Canberra’s jail. Ms Tongs said the woman’s human rights had been completely disregarded.

Have something happening in your community, and you want to talk about it, give us a call on 1800 422 416. Or Give us a text on 0457 140 550!

We would also like to thank the Community Broadcasting Foundation and National Indigenous Australians Agency for their support here at BBM 98.7FM.

Make sure to tune in Monday-Friday 11am-12pm QLD Time to stay up to date with the latest national events.