National Talkblack 021023

National Talkblack 021023

We had:

Professor Maree Toombs, talking about the 2023 Australian Mental Health Prize winners announced. The winners of the 2023 Australian Mental Health Prize have been unveiled at UNSW Sydney, celebrating exceptional individuals who have made significant strides in the realm of mental health advocacy. This year it includes two Indigenous Women, Prof. Maree Tombs and Megan Krakouer.

Amy Flannery, Songwriter, talking about unveiling ACE at Dusk and Captivating Artistry of Akala Newman. One of the star attractions for the evening is Akala Newman, a singer-songwriter of Wiradjuri/Gadigal heritage. Her artistry draws from realms of fantasy and magic; she challenges conventions about contemporary First Nations womanhood and advocates for living by one’s unique narrative.

Logan Walsh, proud Kamilaroi man, talking about his journey with studying a Bachelor of Physiotherapy. Big achievement as the course requirements are high. Australian Catholic University (ACU).

Mayor Phillemon Mosby, Torres Strait Island Regional Council Mayor, talking about TSIRC to redeclare Masig Statement on 86th Anniversary of local government. Last month, eleven Torres Strait Island Regional Council outer island communities gathered at local events to commemorate the 86th Anniversary of the First Councillors Meeting and reaffirm their commitment to the Masig Statement.

Have something happening in your community, and you want to talk about it, give us a call on 1800 422 416. Or Give us a text on 0457 140 550!

We would also like to thank the Community Broadcasting Foundation and National Indigenous Australians Agency for their support here at BBM 98.7FM.

Make sure to tune in Monday-Friday 11am-12pm QLD Time to stay up to date with the latest national events.