On todays National Talk Black via NIRS – National Indigenous Radio Service we have:
Councillor Raymond Kelly, Chairperson of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, talking about New South Wales’ Oldest Aboriginal Land Claim Finally Being Resolved. The Brewarrina Local Aboriginal Land Council (Brewarrina LALC) and the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) are celebrating the resolution of the state’s oldest land claim. Lodged in 1984, the claim over the Brewarrina Common has been resolved by Aboriginal Land Agreement between Brewarrina LALC, NSWALC, and the NSW Government almost 40 years to the day. In resolution of the oldest outstanding claim, a number of very culturally significant places, as well as lands for economic activation will be transferred to Brewarrina LALC.
Jack Beetson, Executive Director of Literacy for Life Foundation (LFLF), talking about the program helping hundreds of First Natons adults gain missed literacy skills. The Literacy for Life Foundation is an Aboriginal-run charity training Aboriginal people to bring literacy to their communities. Just recently, more than 460 students have graduated from Literacy for Life’s 100-hour course which covers basic reading and writing skills. Navigating online spaces is also a key focus of the curriculum, in a digital literacy approach. Over the 12 years it has been running here in Australia, more than 460 people have graduated, which is a much higher completion rate than similar government programs. To find out more, check out their website via the link below!
Alethea Beetson, Curator of “Meet Your Maker”, talking about Meet Your Maker taking on the 2024 Brisbane Festival. Set in the fictional universe of Queen’s City this story re-imagines a world where Indigenous communities were given their land back. In another time, we get to see what might happen if we had gone down a different path, if Indigenous pop culture was the norm and not the token. A one-woman tour de force performance that traverses live music, video, and monologue forms. Alethea will be at the Underground Theatre over the Brisbane Festival. To find out more information, check out the link below!
Have something happening in your community, and you want to talk about it, give us a call on 1800 422 416. Or Give us a text on 0457 140 550!
We would also like to thank the Community Broadcasting Foundation and National Indigenous Australians Agency for their support here at BBM 98.7FM.
Make sure to tune in Monday-Friday 11am-12pm QLD Time to stay up to date with the latest national events.