National Talk Black 020724

National Talk Black 020724

On todays National Talk Black via NIRS – National Indigenous Radio Service we have:

Tracie Eaton, Internationally renowned and award-winning contemporary artist, talking about her four week tour around Queensland, where Eaton will be interviewing people, getting their stories and sourcing inspiration for her next series of art. Tracie is based on the Gold Coast and her artwork specialises in acrylic and mixed media original paintings for the luxury market. She is a self-taught artist and founded Art for Rescue, an approved fund-raising organisation for Destiny Rescue, a global charitable organisation that rescues children from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and helping them to stay free. Tracie has pledged to raise $1 million dollars for Destiny Rescue. This will be done through fundraising events, sale of products, donations and sale of art. Since 2019, Eaton has been commissioned as the exclusive artist to create artworks for Oscar nominees. She is often referred to as a ‘celebrity artist’ and has created bespoke artwork for Hollywood A-listers and Oscar nominees and winners.

Kelly McPherson, Walkabout Media Manager, talking about the National Indigenous Cultural Centre (NICC) and Walkabout Australia. The National Indigenous Cultural Centre is an Indigenous owned charity that aims to become the number one indigenous e-commerce portal to the world. Walkabout Australia is a division of NICC and is an indigenous events and promotion company focused on creating the connections, opportunities and platform to promote Indigenous talent and enterprise, physically at events, all around Australia. In 2023 Walkabout Australia travelled over 20,000 km and attended Royal and Regional shows around Australia promoting Indigenous talent, bush tucker, experiences, and enterprise, to over two million “mates”. NICC also seeks sponsorship and donations from corporations and philanthropists to enable the 2024/5 Walkabout Australia tour and further development and growth of the National Indigenous Cultural Centre.

Jim Varghese AM, Board Chair, talking about free workforce planning micro-credential course for small and medium businesses. Jobs Queensland’s partnership with UniSC is delivering help in the form of a free seven-week course aiding businesses to develop an agile, flexible workforce plan for their business. Participants can attend in person and online from anywhere within Queensland with a self-paced option also available. Participants can register online at the link below!

Have something happening in your community, and you want to talk about it, give us a call on 1800 422 416. Or Give us a text on 0457 140 550!

We would also like to thank the Community Broadcasting Foundation and National Indigenous Australians Agency for their support here at BBM 98.7FM.

Make sure to tune in Monday-Friday 11am-12pm QLD Time to stay up to date with the latest national events.