National Talkblack 030622

National Talkblack 030622

We had:

Alexandra Hohoi, Consultant at Marrawah Law, talking about Supply Nation. Supply Nation is an independent body that brings together Indigenous businesses with procurement teams from government and corporate Australia. Its aim is to facilitate relationships that diversify the market and to support indigenous businesses accessing opportunities.

Kaleb Mabo, grandson of Eddie Mabo, talking about MABO Day 2022. This year marks the 30 Anniversary of the Mabo Case. Mabo Day is a commemorative day that occurs annually on 3 June. It is an official holiday in the Torres Shire.

We spoke to Uncle Pedla Morrison, Awa Aaron Daniel and William Misi from the Fred Moule Exhibition Centre, celebrating 30 years of the Native Title.

Have something happening in your community, and you want to talk about it, give us a call on 1800 422 416. Or Give us a text on 0457 140 550!

We would also like to thank the Community Broadcasting Foundation and National Indigenous Australians Agency for their support here at BBM 98.7FM.

Make sure to tune in Monday-Friday 11am-12pm QLD Time to stay up to date with the latest national events.